Saturday, November 19, 2016

God is Good All the Time!

God is Good All the Time!

     I am sure by now you know that I am Christian and I love God.  I am not ashamed to call out to Him and reach out to those who I know will pray for me.  Without my faith in the Lord, I don't know how I could have gotten through these past two weeks.  Our son, Cole, has been quite the trooper and had to have surgery, without truly understanding why he was in the hospital.  My husband and I have gone through so many emotions this past week, but because of our strength and trust in God, we have been surrounded by so many blessings.  You may ask yourself at times, "Why God?  Why did this happen to me?" and that would be totally normal.  However, instead of asking why, replace it with thank you.  I asked God for so many prayers and blessings this week, that I knew when our Cole went into surgery he was going to be better than ever, but that didn't take the worry away.  I followed up with, "Thank you God for chasing me down and returning 100% health back to Cole".  My mom instinct was kicked into high gear on Tuesday, November 8th, because that is when our Cole lost his coloring and was violently ill.
     I think I have told many parents and families do not check your brain at the door when your child is sick.  I feel I should have listened even more to that maternal instinct when we first took Cole to the ER on November 8th. My husband and I both questioned the doctor and asked him if he thought Cole was having an appendicitis.  Little did I know that we would be sent home with some medicine and watch our son throw up for 12 hours straight.  I knew it was more than a stomach bug, but I too came down with this awful illness, so I checked my brain at the door the next day.  However, by Thursday evening, we knew Cole was not getting better, so we took him back to the after-hours care facility and they just sent us home with Z-Pak and a note to return to school on Monday, November 14th.  My husband and I are still filled with guilt, as we took Cole to the doctor twice before being admitted to the Children's ER at Medical City.  Within 6 hours of being seen by his amazing pediatrician on Monday, November 14th, Cole was undergoing surgery and was going to be released from his constant pain.  Do I feel guilty for not asking more questions when we were at the ER on Tuesday, November 8th?  Yes.  However, because of my faith in God, we were surrounded by angels the day of Cole's surgery and still are.  Cole is a gift from God.  He has changed so many people's lives because he loves unconditionally.  Many of his friends called us, texted us, stopped in to say hello, and brought us food.  I knew in my heart my son was going to live to see his 15th birthday on November 28th because how could God take away so much joy from so many people on this Earth?  Truly, Cole has this amazing gift of looking people in the eye, asking them their name, and then follow it up with, "How old are you?"  How could you not love someone like this?
     I have been incredibly blessed by our church family at Highland Park United Methodist Church, as well as our family at Highland Park High School.  I am overwhelmed by the generosity, kindness, and care our friends have given us these past two weeks.  I am in awe of our son, Cole, because he absolutely hates needles and shots.  We were able to walk Cole through what was going to happen next because of the amazing staff at Medical City Children's Hospital in Dallas.  I am not a nurse, so I applaud those in this field.  I have never been cut out to be a nurse or a doctor (no pun intended) because of my fear of blood and needles, but because of my son, I have been able to take care of him like a nurse.  Sure, I have wanted to throw up a few times after seeing his stitches and other things, but God chose me to be Cole's mom.  
     The reason I am writing this blog post today is because it is cathartic for me.  I am healed mentally because of my strength in God, but I am also spiritually alive because of His love for me and my family.  I never knew the strength I could muster when it came to being strong for my family, but I truly believe because of God's amazing grace, I have a clear mind and healed heart.  I thank my parents, my nanny Comp. and granddaddy for giving me the tools to succeed as a Christian, mom, and wife.  My family gave me an incredible education in life, love, and the pursuit of happiness.  My family also gave me a firm foundation built on God's word and His love for us.  You do not have to live in fear because of how our world has become.  Become a steward of faith, plant your feet firmly in the ground, and declare God's word.  The only way I can live life each and every day, even when it's full of chaos and heartache, is because of my love for God.  Everyone, have a blessed Thanksgiving!  I know we will.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Educating the Whole Family

     Educating the Whole Family

     I am saddened, disturbed, and confused about this election. How can we make America great again, in terms of receiving a world-class education? Do you see what I just did? I wrote a statement about education, but then spun it so you would see my point of view. As an American, I voted the second day of early voting, and I am so glad I did! I am not pleased with either candidate for the Republican or Democratic ticket, but I voted with my heart, insight, and how our next President and Congress will enact a better workforce for teachers and provide a world-class setting and curriculum for students. Do not ask me who I voted for through social media, because I won't tell you. I truly believe our country is great, but we must realize in order to have peace and serenity in the classroom, we first must educate parents.
     I have been in a behavioral classroom setting for over a week and it is maddening to think a magnet school can have a behavioral program. I would say 95% of the students at this school want to learn and be educated. My job was not an easy one, but I am so glad I had the option to leave before I was stabbed or punched in the face. I truly feared for my life yesterday because of the situation I was put in. Many parents, grandparents, and guardians of kids who receive special education services have written off their child. Shocking, I know, but it's a reality. The disgust I have for the families who refuse to educate themselves about their child's education goes beyond the classroom: it is a reflection of who they are at home and in public.
     My plea is this: if you are reading this right now and you have parents that cared about your education, call them up and thank them. As a teacher, I am supposed to teach the whole student, but I was not allowed to do this at my current school because of a student who exhibited violent tendencies towards me and other students. Due to federal law, I can't go into what this student did; however trust me when I say our country is doomed if we keep going down this path of no responsibility. There needs to be accountability at home in order to achieve what our nation needs: responsibility and accountability of parents, students who choose to behave badly, and respect for law enforcement. I have been told middle school is the hardest age to teach, and I believe it.
     Teachers, I commend you for giving your life to better this world, but once again, I need to take a break. Parents, DON'T BE IGNORANT. Kids don't need a friend or a pacifier, they need a parent who will take them to the doctor, listen to their needs, hold their hand when their heart is broken, but most of all, unconditional love. My students have been written off by their parents except one. I thank his grandmother for loving him, but also giving him a set of rules to follow at home.  I am a parent and wife first. I refuse to put myself in harm's way, just because a student thinks I am too white and need to be taught a lesson. Yes, these are the exact words one of my students told me when I was trying to teach him social studies. Our world is doomed if parents and students don't wake up and take responsibility for their actions. God bless America and let's make it great again!

A Life-Changing Decision

     A Life Changing Decision

     I was a Senior Vocal Performance/Music Education Major at SMU, Meadows School of the Arts. I thought I had life figured out. I had completed my junior recital, auditioned for Banff and Santa Fe Opera houses, and was preparing for my senior recital. I had finally found my voice. I also was overwhelmed with the idea that I didn't want to be a music teacher, but realized this was my path I had chosen. How was I going to tell my family that I didn't think teaching was my calling? I wanted to be a professional opera singer and wanted to attend LSU for more training (Master's degree in Vocal Performance). I had made my mind up and I was on my way home from SMU to tell my mom I was breaking up with my fiance, moving to Louisiana to pursue a Master's degree in Vocal Performance at LSU, and then it happened: I was hit directly into the side of my Blazer (think small SUV), and I lost consciousness. I don't remember getting hit, but our neighbor was out in his front yard and saw everything. I literally had pulled up in front of my house (we lived on a corner) and a sweet, little old lady did not see me. This car wreck changed my life. I am not bitter, but I am a better Christian because of this life-altering experience.
     I was 23 years old and I thought I knew everything. I was rushed to the hospital, due to this car wreck, but I was going to be okay. I was supposed to sing the next day for a wedding, but luckily, if you are a singer, you always know to have a back up plan. I don't remember who was getting married, but I remember it was going to be a large wedding. I felt bad for the bride, as I had been in a couple of weddings (as a bridesmaid). I knew the stress of planning a wedding and not getting what you paid for, so this was my first thought after the wreck. The reason I thought I knew it all was because I thought I had my life planned out, or so I thought. This car wreck changed my life, and I honestly don't know if I would be a professional opera singer now, but I do wonder "what if".
My brain was mush after this wreck. I had lost vision temporarily in my left eye, due to the pressure on my brain from this injury. My symptoms did not show up (slurred speech and trouble walking) for 3 days. Unfortunately, the ER didn't think to check my brain for internal bleeding, so I went home after this experience. The hospital was negligent and I blame them for not checking my brain. They did x-rays of my knees, ankles, and chest, but they "forgot" to do a CT scan on my brain. I kept asking the nurse why I couldn't see out of my left eye and she said it was only a scratched cornea, due to my glasses breaking my skin and cornea. She was WRONG. This experience changed me as a daughter, sister, and eventually a mom. I was NEVER taking NO for an answer, when it came to my health. How in the world could an ER nurse and doctor not see the pain I was in?
     I had an eye appointment 3 days later to check my cornea, and this is when I was sent back to the hospital. I fell asleep in the chair, woke up, and my speech was extremely slurred. The doctor thought I had a stroke in his office, so once again it was back to Presbyterian Hospital and the Emergency Room. The only thing I remember at this point is the wonderful Katherine Glaze Lyle praying over me and my mom. Katherine stood over us, took my hand, and prayed to God to heal me. From this moment on, I knew God was with me. I knew if I hadn't had my mom fighting for me, I would have ended up a statistic. My mom is a strong Christian, and because of her strong faith, I truly believe she found Katherine right when I needed God's healing grace. The reason I am telling you my story is because without my faith in God, I don't think I would have the life I currently have!
     I now sing for God. I don't sing for anyone else, because without my faith in God, I don't think I would have found my voice again. I had countless people praying for me, and because of them, I am stronger than I have ever been. I never blamed the lady who hit me because she had a lot on her plate. As it turns out, she was on her way home from Presbyterian Hospital and had just gotten her cast off from a broken arm. Her husband had Alzheimer's and she couldn't send him to a nursing home, so she was driving too fast when she hit me. The lesson I learned from this accident was always look ahead, pray for others that don't know how to pray to God for mercy and grace, and always realize that life can be taken away in an instant. Love your family, friends, and pray for those that don't know God. Without my faith in God, I don't know if I would have been healed. I had a major concussion and temporary bleeding, but because of the prayers said for me, I am a fully functional human being. I no longer have migraine headaches and I have the most beautiful 14 year old son from my first marriage (yes I am divorced and now have the most amazing and supportive husband). I don't look back; I thank God for giving me a second chance at life. My biggest accomplishment was going back to SMU and completing my degree in Music. I graduated from SMU, Meadows School of the Arts, on December 16, 2009. This date is significant to me because December 16th is my parent's wedding anniversary. This year, they are celebrating 52 years of marriage.

     God is good ALL THE TIME!!!!!