Wednesday, October 29, 2014

I Am The Proudest Mom In the WORLD!!!!!!!!

I Am The Proudest Mom in the WORLD!!!!

     I am crying tears of joy for my amazing son, Cole, simply because he really is a rock star in the making!  I push him to be independent and always look for the positive, even if there are times where he isn't having a great day.  Today I found out that Cole's amazing picture that he entered in our local school district's competition, "Reflections", is moving onto the District level!  Cole has entered this program the past three years in the Special Artist category.  This category was created by the National PTA to showcase students talents, specifically through special education.  Any student who has an I.E.P. or a detailed 504 (language for special education services), qualifies them for the special artist category.  Cole's first picture he entered two years ago won and went onto State competition.  Last year, he entered the Visual Arts category and it didn't advance onto District competition (even though it was in the top 40%).  Don't give up on your child, because you may not know down the road what they are capable of doing.  I write this paragraph with such honor, respect, love, and true conviction that I could not be prouder of Cole!  He is a superstar in so many ways, but today, Cole proves himself once again to this cruel world that he is important, he contributes to society in a positive way, and loves life.  I love you Cole!
      There are so many children that don't have parents like me.  I am in no way bragging about my parenting skills or lack there of by other parents.  My husband and I agreed early on that we would co-parent and love Cole to the best of our abilities.  Sometimes, we can get frustrated with Cole, each other, but we know before we go to bed that we love God, we put Him first, and once we pray, our lives are transformed.  We have a great life and I believe it's because we pray every morning and every night together as a couple.  I know I have stated in some earlier blog posts that I have a strong faith and that I believe in God.  I don't preach to the masses, but in the end, if you don't believe in a Higher Being, you are at a loss.  I have been told many times that without blind faith, there is no reason for living.  I live by faith, my trust in God, and knowing that when I die, it will be okay because God will be waiting for me (I hope!).  There have been times in my life that I can get overwhelmed with just life, so I do yoga, exercise nearly every day, and fall on my knees in prayer when I feel like giving up.  God, as I have always said, has always been there for me, even when I questioned God.  I have questioned my faith at times, wondering if there really is a God, because I had some great professors in college challenge me and my classmates to what we believe and what we actually know about God.  I am now confident that there is a God and that he gave us His Son, Jesus, to take away our sins.  I only pray one day that when I do die, Cole will feel fulfilled and rewarded in life to continue on without me and my husband.  Cole is smart, sensitive, caring, but most of all, the most incredible human being I have ever known.  My kid is a Reflection of what can be-- living, thriving, succeeding, and loving life as a person that has autism.  Autism does NOT define Cole; Cole defines his life and the way he leads his life, simply because that's how it should be.  I don't limit Cole in his thinking, because I do truly believe he is going to be the next big hit like Jimmy Fallon and the Roots (that's what he wants to do with his life).  Cole can be a stand up comedy host, he can sing, he can dance, and he lives his life to the fullest.  Today, I say CONGRATULATIONS SON!  I couldn't be more proud of you Cole Roy!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

My Health and Cole's Education

My Health and Cole's Education 
     My life as a mom never stops.  I have a brief moment to myself that I enjoy, which is yoga.  I love being a mom and a wife, but at times, it can be down-right exhausting.  I don't always have the best of health, which deters from daily living, but I try to always go about my day and enjoy every minute, even if I am in tremendous pain.  I strive to always do my best, but sometimes my best is just not good enough for even me.  If this is too personal, skip this paragraph because it's about my personal health.  I have suffered from horrendous menstrual cramps since I was 14 years old.  I had to miss days from school in high school because of this problem.  I also suffer from ovarian cysts.  I have had two surgeries to remove ovarian cysts, which is not fun.  My cramps are so bad that I can't get out of bed.  I am lucky that I can get up in the morning, make breakfast and lunch for Cole, only to get back into bed because of this problem.  I changed doctors two years ago and this was the best decision I ever made!  She is terrific.  She understands me, simply because she is a wonderful doctor and friend.  The best advice I can give you if you are a woman, see a woman gynocologist.  I still suffer from cramps, but hopefully next month will be better because I have a new pain medication (plus back on the pill).  
     The reason I am writing this next paragraph is because I need to get this out there.  Some people shouldn't be parents.  There are other couples that would make terrific parents, but were unable to conceive or had the money to adopt.  Adoption is very expensive and even if you are middle-class family, this is one option that just may not be affordable to many.  I would love to have a child with my husband, but this may not happen, due to my health and age (40).  I am fortunate that I have an incredible son and the most loving husband who adopted Cole.  Their love for one another is something that you just can't put into words.  I would love to have a baby with my husband, simply because it's the greatest gift God gives us.  However, I am extremely blessed to have a child.  So many people can't have children, which to me, is so sad.  I know three couples that would make great parents right now, but due to unforeseen life circumstances they are unable to conceive.  The best advice I can give to parents is BE A PARENT.  BE THERE FOR YOUR CHILD.  
     I have been blessed to have created the Bebop Girls and Cole Warren and the Jambox Boys out of love for Cole and music.  This phenomenon that has taken place in our house the past three years is a gift from God.  I have had over at least twenty kids at our house the past three years and I have witnessed bad behavior, insecure behavior, and good behavior.  There is one kid that is in one of the groups (I will not name them, simply because it's rude), that is downright insecure, rude, and disrespectful.  The parents on the outside look okay, but I know if you went behind closed doors, you would see something totally different.  I have put up with this child's behavior for a long time, simply because I feel he needs this group so much.  I have been on this child's case for a long time about how to behave and the others have gotten on to him as well, but I am done with the sass, attitude, and talking back.  He is gone.  I am not paid by the parents to run these groups, "Cole Warren and the Jambox Boys" or the "Bebop Girls".  I started these groups out of love for Cole and I can end them as soon as they started.  
     The "Bebop Girls" are getting really good and they are wonderful girls.  I couldn't ask for more from them!  The original girls from the group are so busy that we had to add new faces.  I didn't kick the original girls out, but we kept going, simply because they have gotten really good (and Cole loves them all)!  I am blessed by all of the girls and boys that are in the Jambox Boys and Bebop Girls, simply because I think it teaches them that different is okay. Just yesterday, we were at 7-11 (me, Cole, and 3 Bebop Girls) and out of nowhere, Cole starts a normal conversation with a dad and his two year old son, Logan.  "Hi!  My name is Cole.  What's yours?"  This is something that I have dreamed about for 12 years.  Turns out, the dad knew Cole has autism because he babysat a boy when he was a junior in high school that had autism.  His best friend has autism and they were classmates at McKinney High School.  To this day, they are still best of friends.  Life hands you lemons, so you make lemonade out of it.  Yesterday, I witnessed an amazing life event.  Cole knew what to say, how to socialize with his friends at 7-11 and Starbucks, and then headed off with confidence to my high school homecoming's football game.  Again, if you have a child on the autism spectrum, there is hope.  Don't give up!  Be that parent who goes above and beyond for your child, even if they don't have a learning difference or disability.
     My new job is exciting!  Cole was in choir at his school the first six weeks and I applaud his teacher for trying to understand him.  He started off the school year great, except in choir.  Cole's teacher and I communicated via email every week and she would give me an update as to how Cole was doing.  I decided to make a personal decision for Cole that he didn't need to be in choir.  Choir is difficult, even if you are not someone that has autism.  I now know it was the right decision because I have been given an opportunity that I was not expecting:  teaching music every week in Cole's special education class during fourth period!  Cole's special education teacher, Tricia Tamayo, is a God-send.  She asked me if I would like to teach music to her class every week, and of course I jumped at the chance!  I am a bit nervous, but I know it will be a great experience, as it will help me create a working foundation for my workshop I am presenting in February at the annual TMEA convention, "Special Education, Music, and Technology".  I hope to eventually create a curriculum based on current music, the technology that is out there for music, and make sure ALL KIDS that have an I.E.P. or 504 receive music in their class in the state of Texas.  This is no small feat, but I have never been one to shy away from a challenge.  For now, this is the best I can do:  give my son and his classmates the best music education money can't buy.  I am so excited and I will keep you updated with this new endeavor!
     Have a wonderful weekend, enjoy your life, but most of all, be present.  You never know what life has in store for you, but if you give it all you have, in the end, you will have no regrets.  I know I don't have any regrets when it comes to my professional or personal life.  Learn from your mistakes, grow from those mistakes so you don't do them again, and love yourself.  Be kind to one another, but most of all, enjoy the moment!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

It's the End of the World! (Not really)

It's the End of the World!  (Not really)

     I have noticed recently that many people think it's the end of the world, simply because Ebola has hit our beloved Dallas, TX.  I have read multiple comments on Facebook that are very judgmental, condescending, flat out rude and incredibly stupid.  I pride myself on being an optimist, but I tell you, this Ebola scare had me just a little worried.  I am not going to lie; the media does a pretty darn good job of scaring people into believing something that should be recognized as news.  However, I try to read the facts, stick to the truth, and then move on with my daily life.  I have read so many comments over the years about vaccines causing autism, which to me, is a myth.  There is no scientific proof that vaccines cause autism-- this is one of my pet peeves.  People can read just a little snippet of "news" and then jump to the conclusion because it is reported by a "reputable" news outlet, such as CNN, Fox News, or CNBC.  I, for one, would like to challenge all news media outlets, including Facebook, to write one story about a boy who is the light of my life:  Cole.  I have been in contact with our local news, WFAA (Channel 8), for nearly two years now and they have wanted to do a story about Cole, how music changed his life, and how he found his voice through the Jersey Boys.  For once in my life, I would like to turn on the television and see my son singing "Walk Like a Man" with his best friends.  I am still waiting for the news crew to come out and video tape him and present his story as a human interest piece titled "Living with Autism and Succeeding in Life!".  
     I pray for the day (if it ever comes) that our news media can stop the wet media.  This term means (as told to me by Andrea Mitchell) the media presents the news in a way that grabs hold of you and can make you cry on any given day.  I swear when I turn on the television every morning, I immediately switch the channel to PBS or Nickelodeon (even before Cole gets up from school), if there is nothing news worthy in my book to start off my day right.  I know if I leave the channel on ABC, NBC, or even Fox, my day doesn't start great.  I get it that everyone is trying to be number one in the ratings.  I would love to see every day a human interest piece about something great someone has done.  I only read the newspaper on Sundays because I don't want to ruin my week by reading about killings, rapes, deaths or the latest war we are in.  Life can be difficult, but with a little help from positive forces of nature, we all would be in a better state of mind.  I lean on my faith in God, which helps me every day, even if it's just a simple task like doing laundry.  I pray that everyone in my life has great days, as their attitude rolls over into my life.  I am truly blessed by God that I have an extremely smiling and happy husband who always knows how to encourage me to be my best each and every day!  We pray every day, which I think, is something that always starts our day off right-- even if he is already at work.  I have a son that is the light of my life.  Cole brings me so much joy, that it is hard to stay in a bad mood when he is around.  I may be exhausted from having a crazy week (sleep is not my friend sometimes), but I never give in to not feeling good about my life.  I have learned so much by staying positive, leaning on God, and listening to my inner voice.  I have made personal decisions in my life that didn't always pay off, but I know living a life that pleases God is all that matters.
     I hope that by writing this blog, you take a little bit of sunshine from it!  I had a man tell me today that I was a ray of sunshine in his life.  I had no idea just a smile would make his day a happy one.  Remember, you never know what someone is going through.  A smile is free, but means so much to people.  I love my son, his teachers, but most of all, I love his contagious and positive personality.  Cole is simply amazing and I am blessed every day to call him my son!