Why I Choose God As My Role Model
I continue to learn about God and why He chose me to be Cole's mom. I am in utter amazement of my son, simply because he now can tell us what he needs. Only five short years ago Cole didn't communicate with us what he needed or wanted. Cole didn't even script, which now makes utter sense to me as a child living with autism. Autism shows up differently in every single person I have known. I feel by "labeling" a child or an adult living with autism, you not only limit their thinking, you limit your ability to see what that person is capable of becoming. Fifteen years ago I had no idea what God had in store for me when I read that little stick that had a positive sign-- I was pregnant. I still remember to this day knowing I was pregnant, but I hadn't done the test to see if I truly was pregnant. I felt so many emotions from the moment I saw Dylan, my now 15 year old precocious nephew, and the look on Nanny Comp's face when I told her I was pregnant. Nanny's reaction: "Well I thought you were getting a little pudgy. I can't wait to see what God gives you." I told her that if we had a boy, he was going to be named Roy-- after her husband and my granddaddy. The moment we found out Cole was a boy, I knew he was going to be Cole Roy. Fourteen years later, Cole Roy still amazes me.
I know this is controversial to talk about, especially when I proclaim Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, but if I didn't have my strong faith to rely on, I don't know where I would be today. I have some friends that aren't Christians and I don't tell them how to live their life, but I know if I didn't have Christ in my life, I wouldn't grasp the fact how much I am loved and how He has taken care of me during my hardest times. God loves us, no matter what color we are, who we vote for, or what kind of house we live in. I am not an ordained minister, but I do know this: without God in my life or my family's life, I wouldn't have the most amazing life I have today. God is my strength, my security, my refuge, and my comfort not just when I need Him, but when He helps me see what I need to do to succeed in life personally and professionally.
I know God personally picked me to be Cole's mom, and I also know he picked my husband to be his dad. My husband is the most amazing man. He not only married me, but he took on the role of father and husband the minute we started dating. People tell me, how did you find such an amazing love? My answer is this: I listened to my heart, I made a list with the qualities I was looking for in a spouse and father for Cole, and I forgave my ex-husband for all he had done to me. Yes, forgiveness is not the easiest thing for me, but I knew in order to find true happiness, I had to search my heart and forgive all who had hurt me, including my ex-husband. I won't get into my personal story about my prior marriage, but know it was not good. I am thankful to God every day for helping me get out of that relationship.
I write this blog to help others. You are not alone. God is always with you. Trust in Him and you won't be alone. I think what scares me the most about living in the 21st century is knowing that so many people, including those running for the office of the President, don't stand firm in their faith. I wish we had better choices for our next President and I wish the mud-slinging would stop. You may not agree with former President George W. Bush's ideas or policies, but I will say this much: He is a man of God. I will go on the record and say, YES, I did vote for George W. Bush because he is a Christian. Again, I don't tell people who to vote for, but I believe our country would be so much better if we had a President who doesn't waiver in their faith. Stand firm: don't give in to bullies or terrorists. George W. Bush didn't back down to them, so why should we settle for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? Yes, I said settle. Money talks, but God is watching us. I will love God with all my heart, because that is what I stand for.
Cole loves God and it shows in his actions, words, and behavior. I am not perfect, nor do I pretend to be. God chose me to be Cole's mom, so I will always strive for perfection. Cole is the most amazing young man and I am thankful to have God on my side helping us raise a kind, gentle, soul. I pray God heals our country and gives us a leader that isn't a racist or a liar. Why should we, as Americans, sit idly by and settle for mediocrity? We can do better! Congress, I implore you to stand up for those that work hard. CEO's of Fortune 500 Companies shouldn't be paid huge salaries. That being said, hard work should be rewarded. What happened to America? Greedy corporate America is what happened. I don't proclaim to be a Republican or a Democrat. I vote for the person that has my best interest, and as of right now, I feel I could run this country better than Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. That is all for now!
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