Beauty From the Inside
I find myself revisiting a topic many people don't address in today's society: beauty from the inside out. I truly find it pathetic that in order to "fit in" or be considered beautiful, many women, young and old, think they must wear the right clothes, have the right purse or bag, and then alter their appearance with botox or plastic surgery. I haven't taken time off for myself in a long time to just "veg out" in front of the television, but as I turned on the tube this morning while eating breakfast, something scary caught my eye. I thought I had turned on a repeat of the Halloween show with Kelly Ripa and Michael Strahan, because I truly couldn't believe this was the same Kelly I grew up with as a young Haley on "All My Children". I thought she was wearing a mask, because I kid you not, her face doesn't move. I may be living in a bubble, but do men and women really find this attractive? I may receive a lot of comments after this post, but I feel this topic needs to be addressed: Hollywood, PLEASE stop insisting that women need to look young in order to be in front of a camera. Let women be women and grow old gracefully, like my grandmother and great aunt did.
The emphasis on looking beautiful on the outside really makes me ponder my inner self: why do women think they need to look like a freak in order to feel good about themselves? I thought I would be blogging today about my experience at T.M.E.A. and my workshop, but I am truly disturbed by Kelly Ripa's appearance. Does she think she is beautiful? My opinion is only one of many, but to my disdain, she has ruined her bubbly appearance by botching her face with too much botox. I grew up as a secure young girl, not trying to fit in with society because I loved playing sports, getting really dirty at our farm, and not bathing for days because that was what life was about as a child. Reality hit when I entered middle school: in order to fit in, you must look a certain way, act a certain way, wear designer clothes, and play the part in order to be "popular". I tried to fit in, but I just couldn't sacrifice who I was-- the athlete who loved to sing. I am grateful for the support and unconditional love my family and Coach King gave me. Middle school and high school was hard for me, simply because I never followed the crowd. I can only imagine what it is like now, 30 years later, for those students trying to find their way, all because of the pressures of looking beautiful on the outside.
I will be 42 in less than a month and I think I look great for my age! I may have days that I am just so tired that I look every bit of 42, but because of my inner self, I am happy. God gave me a beautiful face, so why would I want to "enhance my features" for the sake of others? I think what Kelly Ripa has done to her face and body is nothing short of disgusting and an inner feeling of major insecurity, simply because she feels she needs to look the part for television. My advice is this: be comfortable in your skin, don't take crap from others, and be happy with your inner self. Only you can change you. It has taken me nearly 42 years to embrace the body I currently have. I am thankful for a very strong faith, an inner peace, and comfort knowing I don't have to look a certain way in order to fit in.
I love my life and I wouldn't change a thing about it! However, for those of you who aren't satisfied with your life, the best advice I can give you is love you for you, don't listen to that inner voice that is telling you negative things, stand up for yourself, and believe with all your heart you are priceless. I had to go through a lot of counseling just to find out that I am "normal". Surround yourself with people who have your best interest, realize that your family may not have your best interest, and take time to get to know yourself. Once I realized I needed to love myself, flaws and all, I was able to marry the man of my dreams and have a life I could have only dreamed about. God laid out a plan for me, and I truly believe that by following His word, I have the most incredible life now.
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